We’re Doomed 2016

This may be one of the most groundbreaking political events since the birth of the United States. Regardless of your candidate of choice, this country will be in for a rough couple of years, and we, as college students, are along for the ride. Unfortunately, this horrific election is taking place right now, and it is hard to ignore the unforeseen consequences of either candidate’s victory.
I’ll take you through a few situations that can take place in the coming times of electoral process: Hillary Clinton can (hopefully) still be indicted of federal charges, meaning she’ll promptly be impeached. The Clinton Foundation can be exposed for multiple scandals and donor violations. Donald Trump gets indicted for sexual abuse and rape allegations, resulting in impeachment. We can lose national sovereignty, fall as the world’s unipolar power, become a police state, assume socialist, government-controlled healthcare, and plunge ourselves into even more debt by building a ridiculous wall.
The next four years will change what it means to be American; our nationalistic values, cultural norms, foreign relations, and global economic value all are at risk of being altered, and that could pose huge problems for our society and societies across the globe alike. For example, if we follow Hillary Clinton’s lead on pursuing engagements with Russia, it may be too late to build a nuclear bunker.
For whatever reason this sociopath believes going after Russia will achieve, it will not end well; contrary to mainstream media, Russia wants to uphold relations with the U.S. and has no interest in the election, but sent a message recently after testing their new rocket, “Satan 2.”
Since nothing can compare to a nuclear war and ensuing fallout, the rest of these possibilities won’t sound as bad. It was recently exposed that Obamacare (the wonderful program it is) was designed to fail from the very start. Clinton allegedly wants to implement a government-controlled healthcare system dubbed, “the Cadillac Tax,” with no third parties involved (That’s socialism!). Moreover, our justice system will falter and hold no integrity in conducting investigations after Clinton amazingly dodged conviction of federal crimes.
Not only will we have a criminal for a president, we will have Bill Clinton, an alleged rapist on multiple charges, most likely assume a governmental position, as well. Two of her top advisers, John Podesta and Huma Abedin, also will be in positions of power being given direct orders by someone they both stated “has terrible instincts,” according to Wikileaks email dumps.
Moving on, I find it disturbingly difficult to garner support for someone who has been involved with as many scandals, allegations, and violations like Clinton. Not to mention, she publicly supports relations with Saudi Arabia, a notorious epicenter for human rights’ violations, outright abuse of women, and barbaric governmental/religious legislature. Remember, Clinton is an advocate for women’s rights, right? With all that being said, check the facts, and determine for yourself how the next for years are going to be.